
Analyzing The Technical Indicators For Trading Stellar (XLM)

To analyze the technical indicators of the stellar (xlm)

Stellar (XLM) is a decentralized, open source blockchain network that enables fast and cheap cross -border payments. As one of the largest players in the digital assets, Stellar has recently been unstable. This article will analyze technical indicators that help merchants make reasonable decisions when buying or selling stars (XLM).


Stellar is a blockchain network that allows you to pay fast and cheap cross -border payments. The network is based on the XLM cryptocurrency and uses the mechanism of proof of share consensus, unlike the mechanism of agreement of the work, which is used by many other major cryptocurrencies. The price of Stellar was influenced by a variety of factors, including market moods, economic indicators and changes in regulation.

Technical indicators

The following technical indicators have been analyzed to provide insight into the future XLM direction:

  • RSI value greater than 70 indicates a resale condition, and less than 30 indicates an excessive condition.

  • Bollinger bands

    Analyzing the Technical Indicators

    : Bollinger bands measure volatility and give a tendency strength meter. The top bar reflects the sliding average for longer periods (20) and the lower strip is a sliding average in a shorter period (50).

  • Decreased Medium Convergence Differences (MACD) : MacD measures the difference between two moving average, giving insights on price and acceleration.



The RSI chart showed that XLM recently entered the resale area (50), showing potential purchase options. However, 14 periods of RSI were still higher than 70, indicating some resistance in a short period of time.


RSI: 46

Bollinger bands: 10-20 and 50

Macd: -2.5

Stochastic oscillator: 80%


Bollinger bands have shown a strong bull trend, indicating that the XLM price is for further profits. The upper band (20) was 1021 and the lower band (50) was 970.


Bollinger groups:

Top Bar: 10-20 and 50

Bottom strip: 100

Macd: -2.5

Stochastic oscillator: 80%


The MACD chart showed a bull signal showing that the XLM price is likely to last up. However, the 26 Macd line was still less than zero, indicating that some sales pressure in the short term.



Signal Line (s): -2

Crossover: False

Stochastic oscillator: 80%



Based on these technical indicators, traders can expect the XLM price to continue upwards. The RSI chart showed that the XLM was resold and the Bollinger bands indicated a strong bull trend. However, there may be some pressure of sales in a short period of time.

Traders can use this analysis to inform about their trade solutions, including the purchase or sale of XLM. As always, there is a need to conduct detailed research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


Based on these technical indicators, traders can take into account the following:

  • Buy xlm when 14 periods of RSI are less than 70

  • Sell xlm when Macd crossing indicates price increase

  • Keep xlm resold conditions (RSI value less than 30)

Before making any investment decisions, remember to prioritize detailed research and consult with a financial advisor.

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